What we do

ENN enhances the relevance and effectiveness of research, policy and practice on undernutrition. We do this by capturing knowledge, stimulating and exchanging learning, and highlighting gaps and building evidence. We broker consensus and collective action and provide technical resources and guidance to practitioners and decision-makers involved in nutrition and related systems and services.

We work for those who focus on improving outcomes of populations in countries that experience a high burden of malnutrition and the immediate, longer term and intergenerational consequences of this.

Field Exchange

Field Exchange is ENN's flagship online and print publication on nutrition in emergencies and high burden contexts, providing peer-to-peer knowledge from humanitarian contexts.


We work collaboratively and globally with diverse groups to cover complex nutritional problems. Find out more about the different networks we work with and how you can get involved.


We've created important outputs on a range of issues relating to malnutrition, since we started in 1996. 

You can search our available database, which includes many translated resources.

Our online forum

en-net is a free and open online community forum to help nutrition practitioners have access to prompt technical advice for operational challenges for which answers are not readily accessible. Available in English or French.


Alongside our collaborative work, at ENN we also focus on specific outputs related to different thematic areas within nutrition programming, policy and research.